We believe it is the mission of every follower of Jesus to be a disciple maker. This is not some special privilege reserved for the select few. We want to live in such way that we have a profound impact on the communities in which we live, the jobs in which we work, and the relationships we have been given. We want to live that way here, in Birmingham, for the sake of peoples there, among the nations.

In order to do that we want to pursue mission on at least three levels: personally, locally, and globally. We encourage each member to ask how they can personally make disciples within the places God has uniquely placed them. We support local ministries here in our own city. We also regularly send teams to support and develop partnerships with other gospel-centered organizations that are already at work in countries across the globe.

Our ultimate aim in glorifying God is to be a church of disciples that makes disciples. The church does not exist solely for its own sake, but in order to participate in the mission of God. Mission is not an optional program in the church but an essential element in the identity of the church. Mission is as much who we are as what we do.

If you're interested in more information, please contact Blake Palmer.